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Treatments & Services

Genetic Testing

Genetic testing can determine whether a patient has an inherited condition or genetic abnormality that may increase the risk of getting cancer. More than 50 hereditary cancer syndromes have been recognized* and genetic testing is available for many of them, including those linked to breast, ovarian, pancreatic, melanoma, and colon cancers.

Who Should Have Genetic Testing?

When considering whether to have genetic testing, patients will need to discuss their personal and family history with their physician to see if certain cancers or patterns of cancer are present. Genetic counseling and testing should be considered for patients who meet any of the following criteria:*

  • Family member with multiple primary cancers
  • Several relatives on one side of the family who have had the same type of cancer
  • Several cancers in the family linked to a single gene mutation (such as breast, ovarian, colon or pancreatic cancers)
  • Family or personal history of early onset cancer (usually before age 50)
  • Relatives with a rare cancer, such as breast cancer in a male or retinoblastoma
  • Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry with breast or ovarian cancer at any age
  • A physical finding that is linked to an inherited cancer, such as colon polyps
  • Family members with a known genetic mutation

To learn more about genetic testing and whether it may be right for you, please call 833.394.4904.